Was in Nanu's backyard, by the tennis court at dusk. There was a may-pole with two white snowy owls circling it. I climbed the pole to find the owls were mechanical. I knew Hazel had put them there. They were playing a song I knew well, but cannot recall awake.
I climbed down and saw shadows of birds circling with the mech-owls. When I looked up, there were about 6 real owls, some of them barred, some screech, some barn. I then realized that Hazel had put the mech-owls there to honor the spirit of the owl, and the owls had accepted. I showed this to Paul & he wept, recognizing something deep & holy.
One of the owls left the pole and flew to the ground beside some bushes. He plucked two feathers from his wings and flew off. I went to pick up the feathers and saw one standing up-right in a pile of crystalized salt with leaves arranged around it. The feather was smaller than an owl's with black and red markings. It had transformed.
I noticed an immature robin in the bushes who had been wounded by the owl. I picked him up, but he hopped off and tried to fly away. I walked off & came to a branch with a vividly colored blue jay. The jay fanned out her feathers and screeched at me over and over again. I felt enraged at her.
I then climbed up to a rooftop and found myself surrounded by old European-style relief carvings on the side of adjacent buildings. I had a camera with a zoom lense, & I was peering through the viewfinder at the carvings, focusing and unfocusing.