as they danced, their bodies transformed into toucans, their long beaks awkward and clacking.

i walked away after they dispersed and came to a clearing that ended in a ravine. when i looked across the divide, there was a very large animals with black and white markings.

at first i thought it could be a cow, but it was so wild. the thought of a great dane crossed my mind, but before i could figure it out, the beast leapt across the ravine and galloped to me, it's head lowered in a threatening way.
i could see he was a horse. a VERY large horse. i became aware of the forest around me, filled with many wild horses. this was a very important horse among them. he spoke to me, however i don't remember what he said. he was testing me.
he leaned down and bit down onto my neck. i was overcome with the smell of the earth and his musty sweat. i instincively returned the gesture, my mouth full of his skin and fur. i could see his coat covered in dust and fleas. i contemplated each individual speck for a very long time, his flesh between my teeth & his smell in my sinuses.
when the embrace ended, he knelt down and told me to get onto his back. i climbed on with a little difficulty, his size so monstrous even with him crouched. as soon as i was on, he stood quickly and broke into a gallop. i held tight to his overgrown and tangle mane, the gallop hard and wild.
we rode for a long time through the forest. once i started getting used to the rhythm of his steps, we came to the path that lead back home. my mother stood at those crossed paths, her will overpowering that of the horse. he stopped, and she told me to climb off and come home.
as i climbed off, the horse and i shared a gaze. while he still was wild, something in him broke. he turned and galloped back into the woods.