In the backyard of my old house (the one on St. Albans). I could feel Prince's presence (my old beagle who died in that yard), and occasionally could see his spirit. Looked up into the sky and I saw first a group of hawks, then a group of owls flying low directly above me. I scrambled onto a brick alter or pedestal and began to dance for them. A large red-tailed hawk left its group and joined me in the dance. I felt a warm & wonderful sense of connection and admiration for these beautiful and strong raptors.

I looked over into the yard next door and had a strong urge to climb up on their roof to get closer to the birds. I noticed a beautiful girl with dark hair in their yard. She came over to me and sort of bitched at me for wanting to go into her yard. Then we started flirting and cuddling, and even though I knew she was not a very nice person, I had a good time rubbing her thighs and kissing her. Then we rolled around in her yard, which was covered in these little seeds, which felt like uncooked grits sticking to my body.
Then I was inside of a house that was mostly empty. I know I have dreamed of this place before. Bo and Kate were with me. I had a metal goddess statue (about twice the size of both my hands), but the part that belonged over her breast or heart was missing. I could visualize the missing piece, which was a snake with its body twisted into a Celtic knot. Bo, Kate, and I looked and looked. Finally, I was about to give up and found it in the corner of one of the completely empty rooms. It had turned into the head of a lion.

Also, the night before last I had a dream that I mostly can't remember, but the one part that still sticks is very striking. I was in the yard of my parents' house. I looked into the sky and through the branches of the huge trees and saw a sparrow. It was flying one moment, and then it dropped from the sky like a rock. When it hit the ground next to me, its feathers fell off and landed in a pile next to its body, which was skinless and bloody. I thought, "I can't wait to use those feathers-- what a gift!" But then I looked at the body. It morphed into a skinless meaty hand that was rotting and being eaten away by maggots.