Friday, May 9, 2008

goat-love and bird dinosaurs

Was in a city in Norway in the summer. I was walking through the town with my father, mother, and Paul looking at all the consumerism. I walked through an outdoor craft fair, which was full of hand-made wonders. At the end of the booths, there was an open area that was lush & green. A young girl was there with a goat tethered to a leash. She was yanking on his neck & unknowingly causing him pain. She started trimming his hooves & cut them too close, drawing blood. I was afraid he would kick her in the face (because he was certainly thinking about it).

I walked further up a slope and there was a whole herd of goats that were mine! I was overjoyed. Andrew showed up & was commenting on how lovely my goats were. I was running around scratching them behind their horns and playing and having a blast!

Out of the brush two HUGE bird-dinosaurs slunk out. They were kind of like panthers in their mannerism and size, but their bodies were covered in black iridescent scales and feathers, and their feet were like crows'. Their backs were crested with long black feathers like a fin, but was parted like hair. They had very sharp teeth and moved surprisingly fast. At first I thought they would eat me, but then they went after my goats.

I don't remember what happened, but I found myself in the driveway of my grandmother's house. There was a goat boy there with me. He had the head & legs of a goat, but the rest of him was human. He was covered in the most beautiful rust-colored coat, which glowed. I will spare you the details, but my god he was one tender lovin' goatboy.

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